Sunday, September 12, 2010

Abortion Stolen Souls Brazen Women The Catholic Church 09 12 2010

Abortion Stolen Souls Brazen Women The Catholic Church 09 12 2010

What does a Mongoloid look like to me?  An embryo exposed to bacteria.  Or alternatively someone who had a butt shit cock in their vagina around the time they were inseminated.  Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
The book of Revelations alludes to ever so subtly that Mary the mother of Jesus Christ was envied by another woman. 
When I went to Catholic School we never really head much about the childhood of Jesus Christ.  At that time in the teachings of Catholicism they told us that was a mystery that we did not know.
The book of Revelations reveals ever so subtly through imagery that this woman who was envious of Mary was able to possess her and feel the baby Jesus Christ in her own stomach as if it were hers.  She even had the delusion that she herself was pregnant.
When the book of Revelations speaks of the seven headed dragon these are the men that courted the woman envious of Mary and they are indeed the ones that came and stole her baby, Jesus Christ.
The bond between Mary and Jesus never faded as she must have prayed and worried for him daily.  Through time and space this bond grew and made him the beautiful person he became.  Mary’s prayers for her son kept him going.
For all I know when Jesus was a teenager he was the telepathic boyfriend against his will to many a brazen women.  It is indeed a fact that in Rome, the Romans castrated and made unics of men to be the companions of their wives.  So the evil that I speak of is not without great precedent.
For all I know the brazen woman who stole him died and he was freed some time later in life.
The brazen woman made infertile by filth is the likely reason the Catholic Church is pro life.  As the church then must cater to the needs of the same type of woman that would support men being castrated and made into unics to be their servants. 
Little does it matter to the Catholic church that many of the babies put up for adoption suffer the horrors of foster homes that demonize, molest and torture them in a similar manner to the way catholic priests have been accused and found guilty.  This is not first on the issue of their hierarchy as it should be.  First on their issue of hierarchy is catering to the reformed heart of a once brazen woman that cannot have children and not is older and seeks meaning in her life.  A woman that most likely became infertile by having sex with filthy a numerous partners.
What the Catholic Church does indeed is facilitate the stealing of Jesus Christ from his mother Mary, or a son or daughter from a natural mother that cannot support her.  Again the Catholic Church does not have its priorities in order, should not the Catholic Church first find a means whereby the natural mother can support her child rather than having the baby be put on the conveyor belt into a family or world of question.  If the Catholic Church were righteous it would take these women with children in and offer them food, shelter and money for work at a church place.  This is what they do for nuns but they are not with children.
Why should the natural mother of the child suffer when the brazen woman triumphs for her sin?  This policy that is wrong in its hierarchical order does indeed condone sin.
Why does the Church cater so easily to the wills of the brazen woman?  Because these brazen woman can demonically possess a priest in a matter of second by pulling on his heart strings. Because often priests are victims of abuse themselves, sensitive and subject to influence.  Those of us with heart are often more easily subject to the demonic possessions of evil.  We are duped easily because we have heart.  Are Catholic priests today indeed the castrated and unic servants of Roman woman and that is why they are subject to influence and possession?
Is the pattern of events that often transpires as I have stated the will of God?  No this is the will of the Coliseum.
To digress a little bit, those who have had their soul stolen probably did the homework for everyone in their class at school, only the others was better because they knew when the soulless was about to screw up.
The female of the species is more deadly than the male.
One thing they did get right was circumcision.  That extra layer of skin is a breeding ground for germs and you cannot tell me that those germs do not persist in the vagina.  And you cannot not tell me that germs present in the vagina influence the development to the fetus negatively.   Do not feel that because you are circumcised that you should not seek to be clean, lest your woman bear a souless child.
Who uses nonlethal weapons on United States Citizens today to steal their souls?  Satan and the brazen filthy vagina women from the time of Rome.  What would create a soulless person like Satan more readily than the filthy vagina of a Shitzga woman?
In a future article I will speak of the tactics of the brazen women, her sexual rituals and how she steals men’s souls through such rituals.
This country was not founded by these people or their ideals but they now control it.  And they have influenced us to noncompetition and ruin since the time they assassinated President Kennedy.

God Bless Those Who Would Like To Restore Our Country

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally Published on 09 12 2010 at:

Light Houses of Soul Extinguished or Why the Arab World Hates Us 09 12 2010

Light Houses of Soul Extinguished or Why the Arab World Hates Us 09 12 2010

Why did Jesus Christ freely accept his death on the cross? Because he was demonized and no longer felt like a human being. After all he was hated by the Romans and his own people. The Jews betrayed him and sold him for thirty pieces of silver. Which they then divided amongst themselves. He no longer had anywhere to live, there was no place for him to be free, and there was nowhere to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Nowhere. He had no friends, he was betrayed by them and he knew it.

The United States of America is supposed to stand for, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. But to one percent of us who have had their souls stolen and then labeled as mentally ill, it isn’t anymore.

Where did our souls go if they are stolen and we still live? To the young and old who practice witchcraft under the guise of religion and psychiatry.

How are our souls stolen? By brazen women and the “men” they control who chant to us psychically and drive us out of our minds until we cannot think well anymore. Today they augment the stealing of souls with the use of nonlethal weapons that are subliminal to the rest of the population. That means they fall just below their level of sensory awareness at the threshold. They use these to torture people to the ignorance of everyone else innocent.

Is it any wonder the Arab world hates us? The Quran is said to have good things and praises Jesus Christ. And in the bible belt of the United States we heard of a religious figure that wanted to burn it.

The Arab world does not hate us for the philosophies and ideals this country was founded on, they hate us for what we have become- a country that is a factory or system to grow, steal and sell souls.

Why do they steal and sell souls? I always ask myself as I know it is true. The only answer I can think of is that anybody who would do this would have to be Satan. And Satan is defined as having no soul and being able to read men’s minds.

Whether the Satan amongst us ever had a soul that he then lost, I do not know. The Bible seems to imply he/she was always soulless.

I tend to think Satan might be a whole different species or race that cannot think for itself and uses those it victimizes as a father figure to think for them and imprint the thinking patterns of their young. Did Jesus know this too and this is why he went willingly to his death, out of love for them? These last two statements seem to hint that we should have sympathy for the Devil.

Where the Mongolians really mongoloids and this is what the race of Satan truly is under its skin? Or through some manner of gene expression does Satan lose his soul naturally as he ages. Gene expression is triggered by many influences. I know that some lose their souls by attrition from Satan. Did Satan lose his soul from attrition too, an attrition that altered his/ her gene expression? I do not think this is true because those who have had their souls stolen would never seek to do the same to others as they are horrified by the crime against humanity.

Satan needs to tell the world why he is soulless if he can do so. He needs to come forth and ask for forgiveness this time before he leads us to the end of the world. Satan needs to confess. And believe me; the diverse group who orchestrates the ways and methods of Satan knows who it is.

The group of Satanic members needs to express why it practices such hateful acts against fellow human beings. Not just for its victim’s sake but for its own salvation.

There is one group that consists of two constituents that did not believe in Jesus Christ, and one sold him to the other who crucified him. If we don’t believe in someone, someone that is innocent of sin, is it right for us to strip them and murder them slowly in daylight for all to see?

When they steal your soul they can then label you as incompetent, or having the inability to spend your own money or take care of yourself. Then they are able to take control of you money for you. Not to mention every intellectual construct, property or idea you ever thought of. The perfect crime.

Was there a devise Satan had for rich young Arabs studying in this country that then immediately turned on this country and then say that it should be destroyed? Where these Arabs contacted in some way to joins forces with Satan, only to look at Satan in abject horror.

What would a rich young Arab man think if he met a brazen woman that sought to dominate and control him through any means available to her? A brazen American women who was probably wrestled down a few times in her life against her will and now turned coward and agrees and believes in hurtful and stealing acts in order to get ahead instead of standing against them.

If you think of it in these terms the hatred the Arab world has for America today becomes more understood.

Organized crime in this country was formed by the handshake of a Jew and an Italian, the same ones who jointly crucified Christ.

Tell us why you steal souls! Confess your bad behavior.

Tell us why you seek others a light house of soul? A light house you then seek to extinguish.

God Bless Those Who Speak For Those Who Cannot

Thomas Paul Murphy

Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 09 12 2010 at: